Thursday 12 January 2012


1)   In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For our media product we decided to use the song “Sticks ‘n’ Stones” by Jamie T, creating a music video to the song, a magazine advert to promote the album, and a Digipak. When researching other alike artist’s products we saw what was comparable and what wasn’t and developed our media product accordingly.
When researching the music videos many of them had lip syncing throughout the song, we decided that we would include this in our video, to use the conventions that are used throughout Jamie’s video. Another convention about the official music video for ‘Sticks ‘n’ Stones’ is that it doesn’t have a real story line that is easy to follow, he just presents the song in an urban setting. 
We decided to challenge this convention by only including urban surroundings at the beginning and end of the song, and explore different areas to see how it would come out. We also had a solid story line in which the audience are able to follow. We developed the urban convention that the types of people involved in this genre of music are quite rebellious as it is shown in Jamie’s video.
We had our actor playing the part of Jamie, spraying graffiti onto the wall, this showing the rebellion within.
When looking into Digipaks and magazine adverts made for Jamie T we saw that the colours he used were very bright and bold, which reflected his style of music. The writing style on the adverts is very minimalistic, we decided to develop this convention by adding quotes from DJ’s and ratings from different music magazines, adding more variety to the advert making it more interesting for the audience to read. 
The images we used on the Digipak are carried through and used on the advert, by doing this the audience are familiar with the images already used on the advert so they don’t have to search for the Album when wanting to purchase it as they will already know what it looks like.
The album cover for Jamie T’s “Kings and Queen’s” album it very dynamic and bold, which reflected his style of music, similar to his Advert. The images used focus on Jamie only, we used this convention as we thought it was important to get the message across of who the Album was made by. We developed the font and writing convention as we wanted something that was easy to read. Jamie T’s album had writing going around the image, which looked effective but it was not the first thing you see, which is important when wanting to buy an Album as you need to know who the album is by, and what the Album is.
When researching and looking at Digipaks we were only in access of the front cover to most Digipaks as the full thing was never put online. 
We were not able to develop any of the conventions as we had nothing to develop from, so instead we created something in the Style of Jamie T with graffiti backgrounds and writing, which went with what we had researched and it fitted in with our video.
As our video was based around a chase we decided to include the actor which played the older man in our Digipak. We changed this convention from Jamie T’s as he only had himself and an unknown man located on his Digipak. 
It is not something that is normally considered in a Digipak, to include a character from a music video but we thought that this looked effective and it fitted in with our chosen music genre.


 Here you can see that the Photograph used for the advert is the same photograph used on the Digipak, we did this so the product was recognisable for the audience

How effective is the combination of the main product and ancillary texts?

The three products relate to each other in many ways. One of these being the theme of rebellion throughout all three products. Rebellion is represented through the clothes that our actor playing Jamie wears,  the attitude he has in the video, for example the spraying of graffiti on the wall, the pulling of the metal fence and the breaking through someone’s house, and the language used in the music.
We decided that the graffiti used in the music video would be used in our Digipak and Advert, by doing this it created something that the audience would remember and recognize when seeing any of the 3 products alone.
When deciding on what images to use on our digipak and advert we concluded that using the same images on both would be the best idea. Having the same images on the advert and digipak would create a product that was easy for the audience to remember.
Using photoshop for both the Advert and the Digipak connected them together in a way that the effects and techniques used to edit with would be the same. Using two different editing programmes could have created a product that looked unprofessional and untidy. So by using photoshop  we finished with 2 professional looking products which linked together.


What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

When creating any product that is for the public one of the most important things you need is feedback and advice from the audience. Here I have shown three examples of feedback I got from posting my video on Facebook and Youtube. Before we created our products we created a survey on to find out what elements the audience like best about music video. Our results showed that bright colours and a strong story line were the things people liked the most so we developed our video accordingly. After creating our video we posted it onto youtube for it to be accessible to the public. After having the video posted for just over a month the views were showing almost 1,000. Although there was a high amount of views on our video we didn't receive much feedback which would have been useful for us to improve on any area's the audience thought weren't as good as others if we were to do it again. After posting it on Youtube, each one of us posted it onto our facebook accounts, so it could be seen by friends and family, and specifically asked for comments to be posted as we did not do this on youtube and had no feedback to work with. After researching what the audience liked in videos before we created our final product we found that a strong story line was something that made them want to watch the video. When collecting our feedback from the finished video, the thing people seemed to like the most was the story line. Before the video was posted onto the internet we showed our class mates who all enjoyed it and complemented us on how good the editing and synchronization was. Finally we showed our finished video to our Family members, who we able to comment straight away and tell us what they liked and didn't like. As we were given no constructive criticism there is nothing I am able to say about what we would improve if we were to remake this video.


How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
The technologies we used are listed below

Adobe Photoshop -
Adobe Premiere -
iTunes - 
Microsoft word -


Memory Stick,
iPod, Mobile 
Phone (contact during filming) 
Canon DSLR camera

Websites, ,,,,,,,

During our research the websites we used the most were and we also used google images during this process to collect images of Digipaks and Adverts by Jamie T and similar artists in the same genre of music. By doing this we were able to adapt our work to how they are portrayed on existing products.