Thursday 12 January 2012


What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

When creating any product that is for the public one of the most important things you need is feedback and advice from the audience. Here I have shown three examples of feedback I got from posting my video on Facebook and Youtube. Before we created our products we created a survey on to find out what elements the audience like best about music video. Our results showed that bright colours and a strong story line were the things people liked the most so we developed our video accordingly. After creating our video we posted it onto youtube for it to be accessible to the public. After having the video posted for just over a month the views were showing almost 1,000. Although there was a high amount of views on our video we didn't receive much feedback which would have been useful for us to improve on any area's the audience thought weren't as good as others if we were to do it again. After posting it on Youtube, each one of us posted it onto our facebook accounts, so it could be seen by friends and family, and specifically asked for comments to be posted as we did not do this on youtube and had no feedback to work with. After researching what the audience liked in videos before we created our final product we found that a strong story line was something that made them want to watch the video. When collecting our feedback from the finished video, the thing people seemed to like the most was the story line. Before the video was posted onto the internet we showed our class mates who all enjoyed it and complemented us on how good the editing and synchronization was. Finally we showed our finished video to our Family members, who we able to comment straight away and tell us what they liked and didn't like. As we were given no constructive criticism there is nothing I am able to say about what we would improve if we were to remake this video.

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