Friday 23 September 2011

Digipak Analysis - Jamie T

Band: Jamie T
Album: Kings & Queens
Genre: Indie/Punk

Photography: The image you see straight away is of Jamie jumping in the air, the photograph is taken from below him so you get a full perspective of him and his surroundings. In contrast to the other man standing in the photograph you are able to tell which is Jamie as he is in the center of the picture. The buildings around him are very urbanized which relate to his videos and style of music. The other man stood in the image is upside down, and looking into the distance, this shows he is less important to the album.

Colour Scheme: The colours in this album colour are very bright and vibrant, they have a sense of energy to them, the music in this album is very fast pace, so they colours relate to the music. Having Jamie and the other man dressed in black make them stand out from the bright colours, as they are what wants to be center of attention. Having different colours for the each of the "Jamie T" and "Kings and Queens" adds lots of variety to the album cover, it makes you read all of them.
Fonts: The fonts on the album cover are very basic and are in total contrast to the photography and colours, having the fonts go all the way around the picture in a circle instantly makes them more interesting to look at. If the fonts were in a different style to this, maybe in a fancier font it would be alot harder to read them going round in a circle.
Layout: Having a basic layout style on an album cover can look very effective if it is created in the right way, on this album cover this is exactly what they have done. There are not tons of things for the audience to look at, they have 1 image to foucus on and some text going around the side. There are many things to notice inside the circle in which the image is situated, such as the buildings around Jamie, the other man stood upside down, showing his less importance, the colours are another thing to notice. Having this on a black background makes the audeince focus in on this first. They then notice the writing around the edge which is laid out in a style which goes all the way round the image, this makes the reader tilt their head slightly to read all the writing, doing this also makes you see the picture from different angles.

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