Friday 9 September 2011

Statment of Intent

I am Faye Morrallee, I am doing my A2 Media coursework, which will include making a music video, digipak and an advert for a magazine. These will be made in groups. Last year's courework icluded me making a Music Magazine, this involved making a front cover, contents and a double page spread. I did this individually. I hope to achieve many things from this years coursework, such as, developing my skills in video editing and filming.
I also hope to learn more about differnt shots and camera angles, and what looks professional and effective to fit in with the genre of the music video. I am also hoping to learn how to work well and efficiently in a group of people.
After I have finished the project I hope to have learnt and developed many new skills. One of these being my understandment and knowledge of the music video industry. I also hope to gain confidence as this is something I lack. Managing a project like this and putting my ideas forward will help me be more confident and stop me being afraid of what people may think of my ideas, as if they are never spoken, no-one will ever know what i had to say. I also hope to gain more knowledge in Photoshop, as this will be my main source for creating a Digipak and Advert. Although I used Photoshop last year on my AS project I feel that there is still alot more i could learn, such as different editing skills etc...

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